How to Develop Sales Compensation Plans for Small- and Mid-Size Businesses

This 1.5 hour video presentation by Senior Consultant, Harry Schum, MBA, of Compensation Resources, guides contractors in how they can find solutions for one of the more difficult challenges in business: developing the correct compensation plan for employees, with an emphasis on salespersons.

How to Grow a Smooth-Running, Profitable Multimillion-Dollar Company

This link includes an approximately 1.5-hour video of a presentation by Bill Silverman, a dynamic speaker who definitely knows his stuff. With a background in the Marriott organization, his presentation is modeled after the manner in which Bill Marriott grew his business into the worldwide organization it is today. As Silverman points out, in order to achieve business growth that is sustainable, as well as modular such that it holds together as you grow, you need to have a basic platform in place at each level of your operation’s size.

WSA Member Update 2.15.17

Topics include: • Announcement about Award of Excellence in Power Sweeping 2017 winner. • John Meola’s Safety First tips. • Update on previous story about sweeper being struck by a train. • Report on payment deficiencies by Merit. • Request and location to comment on compensation for salespeople. • Info about Joe Gennaro, a former sweeping company owner looking to manage a company in U.S. • Tip about keeping brakes lasting longer on Broce Broom and, perhaps, chassis-mounted mechanical sweepers.

WSA Member Update 2.1.17

Topics include: • Notice we have included a ‘Guide to Stopping Distracted Driving’ in WSA’s Safety section. • Link to a sweeper struck by a train while sweeping as a safety reminder. • Link to Gale Holsman podcast on becoming profitable • Reminder that you should be using a new new version of the Employment Eligibility Verification Form, I-9.

High Performance Organizations Make It Happen

Guide to Stopping Distracted Driving

The Drowsy Driving Prevention Guide: Keeping Your Drivers Awake and Alive

WSA Member Update 1.15.17

Topics include: • New WSA Members-only article: “The Value in Being Perceived as a ‘Premium Provider'” • Verizon NetworkFleet-produced white paper: “Five Steps to Improving Fleet Utilization” • Info from Keep Trucking Safe includes an interactive pre-trip training simulation for people working on gaining CDL designation • John Meola’s Safety First monthly safety tips

The Value in Being Perceived as a ‘Premium Provider’

Tracking and Communication Keys to Sweeping Contractor Profitability

Long-time sweeping information specialists, Gale Holsman of American Sweeping, Inc., and WSA Director, Ranger Kidwell-Ross, team up to provide information to a sweeping contractor struggling with lack of profitability in spite of increased level of business. Includes both a podcast and an edited transcript of the audio recording.

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