WSA Member Update 12.30.16

In addition to Happy New Year’s wishes, issue contains: • Info on new mileage rate from IRS for 2017 • Addition of new third party vendor, Facility Source, to WSA website • Alert about Philippines sweeper who found bomb; train employees! • Addition of new Safety Checklist eBook to website

WSA Member Update 12.1.16

• Info about average cost of employee wages per dollar most service businesses spend • Walmart info re: doing sweeping contracted with a store manager but not through Walmart corporate (you may not get paid…) • Signup info for National Pavement Expo and WSA free seminar info • Info about C&J Parking Lot Sweeping’s feature article

C & J Sweeping’s Ray Confer Integral to Community

Ray Confer, owner of C & J Parking Lot Sweeping, has been an active member of his local Lions Club for many years. In this interview, Ray discusses how his volunteerism has gone hand-in-hand with growing his business.

WSA Member Update 11.15.16

This Director’s Blog includes: • Note about our Members-only article “Example Wording for Contract Clauses” • Exclusive info about the upcoming Respirable Silica Dust Rule • Info about Omissions Contract Clauses: Are You Covered?

Example Wording for Contract Clauses

A sampling of clauses you might want to insert into your contracts or contract addendums in order to modify agreements presented by others.

WSA Member Update 11.1.16

Information discussed includes more information on how to limit liability in sweeping contracts. We also alerted WSA Members that our WSA fuel discount program through Ernie’s Fueling Network is offering a special, time-limited, offer for WSA Members. In addition, we offer information about the new CK-4 and FA-4 diesel oils due to be introduced on December 1st.

Baton Rouge’s Clean Sweep Survives 1000-Year Flood

In August of 2016, Baton Rouge-based Clean Sweep, Inc. experienced a ‘1,000 year flood.’ This article catalogs what occurred and also provides ideas and insights regarding how to minimize difficulties in such a situation.

Omissions: Are You Covered? Probably Not…

Increasingly, contracts presented by general contractors contain clauses that create liability for ‘omissions,’ not just ‘commissions.’ An example of how this can impact your company: You might be charged an exorbitant amount — even more than the $$ amount of your services — if your sweeper broke down and so caused a work stoppage on the job. Your insurance policies will typically NOT cover this type of situation!

Sweeping Contractors’ Advancing Liability Issues

Overview on contract issues facing sweeping contractors.

WSA Member Update 10.15.16

Topics include: New information discussing the pitfalls of having contracts with named insureds other than your own company; John Meola’s Safety First! tips; notice of a free workshop designed to assist in updating 2017 Employee Handbooks; link to an article named “Six Easy Steps to Maintain Your Hydraulic Equipment.

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