Once you perform your work you need to get paid. To assist in that regard, we offer at the WSA website a PDF file from Zlien that offers a host of tips in this regard.
Link to an e-book resource entitled “Succession Planning: Six Top HR Strategies.” Link to a free webinar on independent contractor classifications. Links and info about the free seminars available to WSA members at the 2016 National Pavement Expo. Link to a good overview article on the importance of getting systems in place as your company grows.
After college Jose Moore went to work for a sweeping company, where his suggested changes greatly expanded the business. When a joint venture with the owner didn’t work out, Jose and his wife, Laura, started their own parking lot sweeping company with a single account… and a TYMCO 600! Through the couple’s perseverance, today Moore Clean, LLC is a full-service sweeping and maintenance company in the Austin, Texas, area with 30 full-time employees.
The ideas in the handbook help position your company to minimize unexpected successions when they occur to to accidents and/or illnesses. They will also assist in minimizing the time, cost and angst of filling key
roles when they become vacant.
Member reports of problems with getting third party vendor, ServURite, to pay. Link to a new article that covers this situation that is at the WSA website. “Guidelines for Working With Prime Contractors” also includes steps to consider when a client becomes insolvent. Link to an article that can be used as a handout for your drivers entitled: ‘Ten ways to be more professional.’
Our October safety message from John Meola centers around the topic of workplace safety. Meola discusses a number of safety improvement ideas and concepts, as well as provides a handout of workplace safety reminders for your employees.
This article provides ideas and insight about steps to consider when working with general contractors, including third party vendors. These include avoiding ‘pay if paid’ and ‘pay when paid’ contract clauses.
Update includes:
• a reminder that all sweepers (perhaps except in states where they are not licensed) need a DOT sticker if they are over 26,000#. Also that getting a sticker is free through the DOT office.
• a link to a document that explains what is currently occurring in terms of employee paid and unpaid sick leave laws.
• a request for WSA Members to submit their company Safety Manuals to the WSA office so we can compile a ‘best practices safety manual template.’
Hamel Parking Lot Service follows the fairly recent purchase of a large company by someone who did not have any previous experience in this particular area of business. Learn more about how sweeping is handled in the heartland of America, Iowa, and how empowerment of employees can play a role in having a smooth-running operation.
Sample Proposal and Sample Contract templates were added to the WSA site. John Meola’s Safety First! message covers how to handle flammable liquids. We reminded that we have a ‘WSA Member conduit’ to ServiceChannel and who to contact. A file for providing to your customers who are property managers was provided, which is entitled “The Art of Picking a Good Tenant vs. a Bad Tenant.”