Title:A Combination of Power Sweeping and Water Flushing Spells Success for Canadian Contractor
Tim Kukovica started out as a farmer in Canada’s Ontario province, just north of Niagara Falls, New York. How could he know when he bought a municipal water truck at auction for its transmission that the purchase would change the course of his business life.
Title:BZ and Sons Hangs Its Hat on Creative Thinking, Environmental Leadership and Versatility
Second generation Texas sweeping contractor continues to expand into new areas to fill customers’ needs, while stressing environmental methods.
Title:Clean Sweep Provides Full Slate of Services in Greater Omaha, Nebraska
Second generation Omaha sweeping contractor provides all types of sweeping and most exterior pavement services.
Title:Universal Sweeping Service Provides Three Sweeping Companies in One
In 1958, there wasn’t a parking lot sweeping industry in the U.S. That’s where Leonard Vella came in. Today, insiders know Vella as one of the pioneers who invented much about sweeping parking areas — including what is now the MASCO line of sweepers.
Title:Attention to Detail and Old-Fashioned Service Key to Sweep-A-Lot Growth
Rick McCann retired as a senior detective in Augusta, Georgia. He transferred the level of professionalism that job required to the sweeping and maintenance company he formed.