Title:Cannon Pacific is a Southern California Powerhouse
Title:Covenant Sweeping Provides Faith-Based Integrity to All its Business Operations
Out of high school, Darren Lagana went to work for NASA. After a year with the space agency, though, at the age of 21 he decided he wanted to work for himself in the building and construction trade. He started out doing a wide variety of business-related services.
It wasn’t long before he found himself working on building high-end, custom homes. An inability to find quality landscapers led to Lagana’s first foray into another field. In 1997, he branched out to open a landscaping and design company.
Title:Wells Sweeping is Leading California Contractors’ Fight Against California Air Resources Board Regulations
In the early 70s, guitar-playing Jay Wells says he kept seeing these odd-looking machines out late at night when he’d finish his band gigs. Interested, he talked to the drivers to see what it was they were doing. Then, he met Jack Rogers, inventor of the Nite-Hawk single-engine sweeper concept. Before he knew it, Wells said with a laugh, he was “in the parking lot sweeping business.”
Initially, fledgling Wells Sweeping handled only parking area cleanup. “There wasn’t much competition to speak of,” Jay said. “It was the golden days of sweeping. One of the manufacturers had an ad campaign about there being ‘gold on the streets.’ Looking back at it, in a way the ads were true. I didn’t realize how good we had it.”
Title: Mid-State Industrial Service, Inc. Offers Certified Sweeping in Oregon
Title:Commercial Power Sweeping and Services:
Virginia Contractor Aptly Has
‘Power’ as its Middle Name.
Title:Davidson-Macri Sweeping, Inc. and SweeperMarket magazine receive 2008 WorldSweeper.com Award of Excellence in Power Sweeping
Davidson-Macri Sweeping, Inc. was also the WorldSweeper.com Contractor of the Month for February, 2008