The Value in Being Perceived as a ‘Premium Provider’

Tracking and Communication Keys to Sweeping Contractor Profitability

Long-time sweeping information specialists, Gale Holsman of American Sweeping, Inc., and WSA Director, Ranger Kidwell-Ross, team up to provide information to a sweeping contractor struggling with lack of profitability in spite of increased level of business. Includes both a podcast and an edited transcript of the audio recording.

The ABCs of Packaging Your Sweeping Business for Sale

Soundcore Capital Partners is a New York-based private equity firm that is in the business of buying and selling companies. Further, the organization and its investor group have identified the power sweeping industry as one of interest to them. Currently, Soundcore is actively pursuing the acquisition of power sweeping contractors throughout the United States. As a result, WSA asked one of the company’s principals, Erik Emmett, who is an attorney as well as Soundcore’s Head of Deal Origination, to provide World Sweeping Association Members with an overview of their process, along with any tips he has for how contractors may improve the viability of their companies prior to putting them on the market.

Customer Service: A Prime Business Component to Emphasize

Information excerpted from the American Subcontracting Association that provides input on what is generally considered as good customer service, as well as how to improve good customer service in your organization.

Expanding From Parking Lot Sweeping

This article contains a podcast interview with an anonymous contractor regarding expansion of services beyond parking lot sweeping. The interview is embedded at the bottom of the article.

Networking: The Dirty Dozen Tips for Social Events

Sean Luce, from the Luce Performance Group, provides a helpful document with twelve tips for common situations to help you and your employees have better interactions at social networking events.

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