Testimonials are a great way to market the services you provide. They offer one of the best types of credibility possible, because it is the result of a third-party endorsement.
In any business, whether small, medium or large, your goals are to increase revenue, maintain capital and secure a return on your investment. For most sweeping contractors, the two most important assets are cash on hand and equipment. Both are needed in order to operate a successful company. Here are some of the many advantages to a financing package structured just for your company.
Are you facing falling customer orders? Slower renewals? Cancellations? Requests for ever-deeper discounts? Those are silly questions. Of course you are experiencing these recession symptoms. And you have probably cut budgets and jobs more than you like.
So now what? When you can’t (and shouldn’t) cut any further, you can leverage the creativity of the people on your team. This is truly the time when employees are your most important assets — for real, not just in slogans. In a recession, everyone should be in marketing. Motivated employees contribute to creative thinking that can help retain current customers and identify new ones.
Learn what an experienced NE contractor does when he expands his company to new locations.
In order to survive as a sweeping contractor in today’s highly competitive market, there are several questions you need to consider. As in any business venture, taking time to evaluate a few key questions will provide a clearer picture of the direction to take to maximize your success.
The first question is: “Who is the competition?” This may sound insignificant, but many contractors don’t realize who their biggest competitors are – and it’s not necessarily the other sweeping companies in town. I recognize three categories of competition: in-house, competing sweeper companies, and others.
At some point, virtually every sweeping company will be put up for sale. On the other side of the coin, sweeping contractors who are profitable in their locale often decide that the best way to expand is through purchase of one or more sweeping companies in some other geographical area. Here are some tips about how to run your business to maximize its value to a prospective buyer, as well as some that will prove helpful no matter which side of the buy/sell equation you find yourself on.