Overview on how AI might be used in sweeping contractor businesses. Includes links to providers of various of the concepts.
Tips from Cary Weston of Sutherland Weston on how to improve your search engine rankings by way of video marketing. This includes information on what equipment to buy as well as what to include in your video.
Facebook is one of the world’s most pervasive social networking sites. Although personal Facebook accounts far outnumber business Facebook ‘Fan Pages,’ savvy business owners are setting up business accounts to keep in touch with their customers more closely than ever.
This article lists the importance of having a Facebook account for your business. It includes details on how to start a business account up, what a ‘vanity URL’ is and why it’s important to have, and includes a podcast interview with Marty Hugie of Clean Sweep Enterprises, a contractor who has set his business up with a page on Facebook.
With so much spam being sent these days, the automatic filtering by email providers has become increasingly tight. However, when someone you know and trust sends you an email you want to make sure you get it. Adding trusted email addresses to your ‘whitelist’ is the way to ensure you get those emails.