One Contractor’s Saga of Sweeping for Command7

The story of how WSA assisted one of its members in trying to get third party vendor, Command7, to pay for seven sweeps that the company had done. Until WSA stepped in to investigate, the contractor figured there was no way they would ever get paid, even though he’d done the work in good faith, had received no complaints, etc.

Beware Getting ‘Just One or Two’ Third Party Locations

Fighting Back Against Third Party Vendors

Information to help you fight back against invasive contracts presented by third party vendor companies. Read about what one WSA Member did when presented with one such contract by National Maintenance Services, a third party vendor company owned by someone who also is the long-time owner of a power sweeping company in the Northeast.

Guidelines for Working With Prime Contractors

This article provides ideas and insight about steps to consider when working with general contractors, including third party vendors. These include avoiding ‘pay if paid’ and ‘pay when paid’ contract clauses.

WSA-Sponsored NPE Seminar “Dealing Effectively with Third Party Vendors”

Third Party Liability Contract Clauses of Concern

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